Engine Building Calculators & Tables

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Determining the parts that best suit your engine require some complex equations.  To make that math easier, we have a section of calculators that do the hard part for you.   We have also provided some tables of common engine combinations that may help you compare and contrast different combination.


Engine Displacement, Bore/Stroke Ratio, & Rod/Stroke Ratio Calculator
Engine Compression & Displacement Calculator
Piston to Deck Clearance Calculator
Piston Compression (Pin) Height Calculator
Carburetor (CFM) Requirement for Engine Calculator 


Popular Engines - Stroke, Rod Length, & Rod Ratio Table
Ford Engines - Stroke, Rod Length, & Rod Ratio Table
Chevy Engines - Stroke, Rod Length, & Rod Ratio Table
Chrysler Engines - Stroke, Rod Length, & Rod Ratio Table

Disclaimer: The calculators and tables provided in this section are intended for reference They use the accepted formulas used by most engine builders.  The data provided is only as reliable and the inputs used.  HiPo Parts is not responsible for errors made based on the use of these calculators.  Any calculations should be double checked before making any engine building and design decisions.