NASCAR .927"/2.690"/108g Wrist Pins

NASCAR .927"/2.690"/108g Wrist Pins

Price: $40.00
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This is a very nice set of used wrist pins purchased from a NASCAR race team. These pins were used for one race or less and are in top shape. This is a high dollar set of pins made of the best materials available. Professional grade wrist pins like this are very expensive to purchase new. Here is your chance to buy them at a fraction of the regular price. Please be sure to review pin diameter, length, and lock type to ensure proper application and fit. If you have questions, please ask before ordering. Here are the specs on these wrist pins: Material: Tool Steel Alloy Diameter: .927” Length: 2.690” Lock Type: Wire Locks Weight: 108g (+/- 1g*) Features: Tapered Walls Est. Cost: $350 These wrist pins can be used with a variety of pistons, including those manufactured by JE, SRP, Wiseco, Bill Miller Engineering, CP, and more. Because NASCAR teams use multiple sources for these pins, this set may be manufactured by any of the following companies: Del West, JE, Wiseco, BME, PPP, and others. Regardless of the manufacturer, you are sure to get a high quality set of wrist pins at a fraction of the new price. We stock these in a variety of sizes, so if this is not the size for your application, please check the other sizes that we have listed. *All of our Wrist pins have been individually weighed on a precision gram scale that reads to a 0.1g accuracy. Each wrist pin set that we sell is individually marked with the exact weight range for the pins contained within, so you know the highest and lowest weight for the pins that you have purchased. All Pins are guaranteed to be within the +/- range identified above.